Bug City

It’s sharp....really sharp!

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Re: Bug City

Postby The Mitt » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:30 pm

Cool cause that is not what was intended. Even though I can't agree with those bolts going in or staying in, I am not as concerned as it maybe sounds here.

Anyway hopefully the weather will get better and I can get back out to bug city to get on some of those climbs, before the bugs are out.

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Re: Bug City

Postby Scooter » Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:04 pm

Jesus Christ I just wasted an hour or so reading all these damn posts.

What's all the fuss about? Two bolts? Was it absolutely necessary to hike in, notice the bolts, hike back out, drive home pissed off while punching the steering wheel, go home, grab some tools, get back in your car pissed off, punching the steering wheel all the way back to polly's? sounds frigging crazy but hey your frigging dedicated eh!

You know, I understand being ticked off and removing a sport line if it takes gear, or if it is an already established boulder problem. But I mean, two bolts? That flowers is highball. The bolts may have been used for 'business' purposes, but the whole business revolved around introducing people to climbing and sharing the experience. Vertigo isn't a mining company for christ sakes. Sure there is money involved, but the bolts provided the entire community (and visitors) an experience they will remember for a lifetime. I was there when SeanT brought his parents, it was on a Monday night bouldering session. I was frigging stoked that she was top roping the flowers outta that bitch! I was pumped, and jacked that there were bolts that allowed her to do that. Oh yeah, then I soloed that flowers and didn't think twice about the miniscule bolts at the top. I may not have put them in myself, but someone did, and had they not look at all the experiences that would have been lost. Now they are gone, and I can't take my mom out there to climb, or my hunny aka CStamp, on a sun shiney evening. frig! I am pissed because I just purchased a nice black and red cloth and a woven basket to hold some PB and J's.

It wasn't necessary to remove the bolts in my opinion. And why it may not have been absolutely necessary to place them in the first place, they served a good purpose. It's not like the two bolts were an eye sore, nor were they bolts placed on a face such as sea with joy. They were frigging top rope anchors dude. there is a ton of top rope anchors at sorrow's by the way... just need some webbing. I can think of other bolts that should be chopped.

You don't get any of this flowers in the weight gym. But then again you get those roid heads, who are to some 'cheaters', much like bolting a crack is, which is unnecesary and unnatural, in both cases, but then some roid heads arent even that strong, but huge, like trad climbers vs sport climbers, sport climbers being strong and trad climbers being just huge :lol: (watchout Nate), so then who is more hardcore, and what is actually right, or wrong? and how much can you bench press yo? well then you get into the controversy of dumbells vs barbells, but then again they dont vary that much, both are legit.

See you all climbing. I'm down for some bouldering, top roping, sport climbing, trad climbing, tree climbing whatever the frig. What's done is done lets climb.

Oh yeahhhhh, where the hell did those huge BG holds go???? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Bug City

Postby Zamboni » Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:46 pm

BG jugs? I thought you crushed them during a roid rage! If its dry out, who's down for some Columbus this weekend?
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Re: Bug City

Postby Scooter » Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:52 am

im in!
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Re: Bug City

Postby The Mitt » Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:52 am

Me too :)
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