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Postby martha » Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:33 pm

dcentral wrote:What can be said for allowing guest accounts, but not being able to edit your posts.

IF you could edit..you could change 'nubbes' in your original post...and then the following posts wouldn't make any sense.

And Mitch was just being mitch.... :)
I knew you meant newbs as in 'pubes'...but if you want it pronounced like that...try noobs....then it it like 'boobs'....does that work?

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Postby martha » Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:34 pm

mitchleblanc wrote:Spelling Police reporting for duty, sir:

is this some sort of crack at the military mitch??!?!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby martha » Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:46 pm

Anonymous wrote:I meant newbies. But I want you to pronounce it more like pubes. But with more focus on the b -- hence the second b.


Get out your 133t haxzor spelling manual.

ahhh...THIS is why you wanted edit.... you meant 1337....duh uh huh.
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Postby climberwannabe » Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:56 pm

Well its good to see that this thread took a turn for the better... the good sense of humor which attracted me to CNS in the first place is shinning thru.
I dont want anyone to think that my reply was a hope to stop people from having their own opinions. And Cara you made a great statement about the fact that you have strong opinions on some major issues... and thats great, but I'm sure most people wouldnt come on here and start ranting about women who have abortions are some of the poorest climbers they've seen. Point made?
I guess I am just sick of trying to enlighten those out their who have a negative view on my lifestyle and JOB choice, cause thats all it really is. Oh but I do have one comment to sort of pick apart, cant remember who it was from. It had to do with being 'ordered' around all the time. Let me ask you: Do you own your own business? ARe you your own boss? Have you never been asked or told to do something at work? Let me be the first to say I have NEVER been yelled at in my 4 going on 5 year carreer, and I have never been ORDERED to do something in that time either. I am on a first name basis with my bosses (as I am sure you dont picture this). Oh and I cant remember the last time I stood at attention. I havea great job fixing airplanes, making great money doing it... which pays for my climbing gear!!!
Granted, basic training had its moments, but its not like the movies... trust me.

Steve out
P.S. I also hate the term 'civies' or 'civilians', it comes across as very condascending. Sorry if I offended anyone with it. I dont feel like I am superior to anyone.
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Postby dcentral » Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:31 pm

Noobs is so 2001, nubbes is where its at. I wasn't planning on changing that. You were correct about 1337 thought.

I was just venting talking about not being able to editing posts in general, especially when there's guest accounts.

Side note: "the rest of the thread wouldn't make sense" argument is kind of lame.

Digression number 2: I thought they weren't allowed to yell at you in the military. Isn't it considered verbal assult or something like that. :)
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Postby dcentral » Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:36 pm

Although accourding to the urban dictionary I wasn't wrong.



13. leet

Variation of elite; very good/skilled at something. Can also be written: "l33t, 133t, l337, 1337", usually by fags/nerds/hackers who type in numbers, and it is only really used in internet multiplayer games, never in real life otherwise you'll get shot.

Source: Drez, Oct 24, 2004

Good thing this isn't real life
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Postby mitchleblanc » Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:10 am

dcentral wrote:Good thing this isn't real life

Hahaha f*ck man, you sure got that right! If this was real life I reckon the next climbing comp would regress (sp?) to a royal rumble fight to the death! And it would have to be held in Novia Scotia.

All the crazy nubs wouldn't know what to make of climbers then!
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Postby climberwannabe » Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:14 am

how the hell do you people know about this stuff??? that urban dictionary is pretty damn funny.
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you know it

Postby climberwannabe » Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:15 am

ok, but as a 'nub' or pube or whatever I am involved in this royal rumble!! hehe. ANd I have been trained to kill, remember?? So look out!

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Re: good

Postby mitchleblanc » Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:18 am

climberwannabe wrote:Oh but I do have one comment to sort of pick apart, cant remember who it was from. It had to do with being 'ordered' around all the time. Let me ask you: Do you own your own business? ARe you your own boss? Have you never been asked or told to do something at work? Let me be the first to say I have NEVER been yelled at in my 4 going on 5 year carreer, and I have never been ORDERED to do something in that time either. I am on a first name basis with my bosses (as I am sure you dont picture this). Oh and I cant remember the last time I stood at attention. I havea great job fixing airplanes, making great money doing it... which pays for my climbing gear!!!
Granted, basic training had its moments, but its not like the movies... trust me.

Yeah, you make a good point.. I was being close-minded and stereotypical on purpose (it suited my argument!) but yeah, I'm not doubting that the military can kick ass... I am my own boss though! Well, I would be, if I worked. ha. Hey, I though you said you couldn't afford climbing gear! Or was that someone else? Steal me an airplane and I'll give you not one but TWO crashpads.
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Postby climberwannabe » Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:23 am

whats your address??!! Cant do much with it though, its pretty old. 2 crash pads.. I'm making out like a bandit!!
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Postby dcentral » Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:39 am

oooo a battle royale. now we are talking.

screw this int0rweb.
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