"content moderated"?

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"content moderated"?

Postby seanT » Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:06 am

Just a question in regards to the "content moderated" aspect of this forum. I see that Joysquirts post was "moderated" what does that mean, who does the moderateing and how do they decided what is appropriate to moderate? Just curious to know if Big Brother is watching me.

Postby Fred » Wed Mar 09, 2005 11:31 am


you can read the Terms of Use to the website (follow the little link button at the top). Joysquirt's post was moderated for language content. I've always ran a forum where I try to push 'clean' discussion as I feel it is more respectfull and productive. Also, we do have younger climbers and/or outside visitors so keeping a clean forum will give us that much more credibility. So to answer your question... yes big brother is watching you. Teth is the moderator for the NS portion of this forum but I also have access to edit content if I feel it is inapropriate. You'll see the names of the other moderators listed below the 'heading' for each forum room.

Please let me know if you have any concerns.

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Postby rendog » Wed Mar 09, 2005 5:59 pm

don't forget Fred, that when there is excessive swearing in a forum, services such as netnanny at what not, will pick it up and not allow some users access.

also gratitous use of swearing in a forum is uncalled for. This coming from a guy who swears like a trucker ITRW.
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Sean's Question

Postby peter » Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:25 pm

I understand flaming personal rants are censored, but not unless they are personal, nasty and uncalled for, except at a kitchen party, where all is fair. Climbing related rants are permitted. Perhaps the Black Flag flies at half mast here, but it flies none the less. :twisted:
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Postby joysquirts » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:00 pm

i guess i can try to tell stories without the use of all the fun descriptive words we all use outside the forum... but maybe not... some stories just have to have "bad" words in them....

like the time keath "content moderated" his pants that day at grover cove on that really hight problem. it shows it all on a video on his website! there was "content moderated" everywhere, i thought we would all stink like "content moderated" for the rest of the day but nope! we came out of there smelling like roses!! nice send keath!

...and then there was that story about jimmy and his girlfreind kim! remember how kim always went on day trips climbing with jimmy's good freind tommy and that one day jimmy got off work erly so he went out to find tommy and kim, but only to find them "content moderated" each other under bull dog, that classic v6 on dover island. man thats the perfect place to have some "content moderated".... anyways jimmy was so pissed he grabed tommy buy the "content moderated" beat the "content moderated" out of him.. hey then made him eat the "content moderated" jimmy was still so mad he held him there for 24 hours untill tommy "content moderated" the "content moderated" he made him eat.... i hear there still freind to this day.. kim got pregnent and dident know who the father was,, the three whent on the mury show to get a DNA test and turned out nether one was the father.. kims search for the reall father still continues. did YOU ever cimb with kim???
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Postby The Teth » Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:30 pm

How many people have (Content Moderated) under Bull Dog anyway. Should we do a poll?

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Postby Fred » Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:47 pm

brings a whole new ring to "getting spanked by Bull Dog" 8)
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Postby climberwannabe » Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:02 pm

"How many people have (Content Moderated) under Bull Dog anyway. Should we do a poll?"

Umm... pardon the pun???
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Postby Zamboni » Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:56 pm

I havn't frig ed under bull dog. But have had some prospects in Prospect.
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Postby Zamboni » Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:57 pm

I havn't frigged under bull dog. But have had some prospects in Prospect.
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Postby Guest » Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:59 pm

well that didn't work.. I think we need that edit function back, that we had on the other forum... :wink:

Postby mike » Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:45 pm

Well- the arse certainly is outta his one.

Seriously though... We're climbers not politicians (I'm certainly not anyway). Swearing is one of the things that climbers do well.

If things get outta hand then the community will rage against the offender. Group moderation.

Remember all that flowers about dry tooling?- the offender received group moderation.

I'm not really cool with dicks getting on here and spraying useless verbal defecation all over the place... but a few bad words never hurt anyone's feelings or credibility.

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Postby mike » Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:48 pm

Gross- auto moderation
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