In Nova Scoatia for a few days and want to climb

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In Nova Scoatia for a few days and want to climb

Postby bergwanderer » Sun May 15, 2011 11:29 pm

Travelling to Halifax this coming week from Winnipeg and will be around for five days and I am looking for someone/group to climb with on Saturday or another day except Sunday. I don't mind going bouldering or doing just a small pitch since I just want to get out and see Nova Scotia for the first time. I am a fairly new climber but do go to climbing gyms often and I have been climbing ice last year and this year. If you can help me out some how I really appreciate it!!!
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Re: In Nova Scoatia for a few days and want to climb

Postby fuchsl » Mon May 16, 2011 10:11 am

I hope you don't mind climb in the rain... :shock:
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Re: In Nova Scoatia for a few days and want to climb

Postby bergwanderer » Mon May 16, 2011 10:31 pm

LOL. I looked at the weather and yes, it does not look that great. Beautiful sunny weather here in Manitoba though. Where are some places that people go climb in Nova Scotia? I might just want to go for a drive and sight see a little. I was thinking about going to Cape Breton Highlands National Park to look around, is it worth it or is there some other nice places?
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Re: In Nova Scoatia for a few days and want to climb

Postby stoneseeker » Mon May 16, 2011 10:50 pm

If your just gonna be hiking in the rain, yeah, the highlands trails in Cape Breton are beautiful and worth doing.
If the weather clears up and you get a chance to climb, I recommend the bouldering in Land of Confusion near Peggy's Cove, (not too far from Halifax). There is a bouldering guide at Trail Shop you can go scope out more details, but it makes for good hiking on a rainy day too. Most of the bouldering here is near the ocean and world class.
The rope climbing here is less desirable compared to that in the West if you ask me, so if you do get a good day, I would check out a classic area like Corn and Bung boulders by the ocean.
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Re: In Nova Scoatia for a few days and want to climb

Postby Dom » Tue May 17, 2011 11:16 am

Don't get discouraged by what others have said. We climbed on Saturday and Sunday on a rope and it was cloudy all day Saturday and Sunday morning it was raining in the morning. We went to first face Saturday and 50% of the crag was dry. The sport climbing there is really nice!
Sorrow's end is a nice little crag that is very windy so it dries up really fast. That's where we were on Sunday and when we got there everything was bone dry. When it's humid, the friction is still really good as the granite is bomber. The only thing that sucks about Sorrow's end is the chaotic approach or the lack of approach. Last week we followed what we thought were the good directions only to be yelled at because we were on private property. Probably not a good image for climbers. Taken from this website

Can't help you with the partner situation as I don't live in NS...

I'd stay away from Columbus wall as it's prob. very wet.

As far as bouldering goes, it dries up super fast with a nice breeze!

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Re: In Nova Scoatia for a few days and want to climb

Postby bergwanderer » Tue May 17, 2011 10:19 pm

Thanks for the tips. I am still looking for someone to climb with and I have rented a car so I could drive/pick someone up/meet you somewhere. I don't want to come off as a creep either lol. Hopefully someone will come forth and help me out. My gf might come along as well but she hasn't decided yet.
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Re: In Nova Scoatia for a few days and want to climb

Postby patzer » Wed May 18, 2011 1:49 am

I'm probably going bouldering tomorrow night and Thursday night if you'd like to tag along. My car is going to be full though!
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Re: In Nova Scoatia for a few days and want to climb

Postby bergwanderer » Thu May 19, 2011 1:07 am

I think I got to do family things on Thursday and for sure on Friday. Still hoping for saturday though if anyone wants to go. Sure fogging when I rolled in here but does it ever smell good! Love that crisp Atlantic air!
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Re: In Nova Scoatia for a few days and want to climb

Postby betaburgler » Thu May 19, 2011 8:01 am

People are planning a trip out to Dover Island on Sunday. If you're going to really try climbing here in NS then Dover Island is the best day trip you could make. It's a mini bouldering mecca just off the coast.
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Re: In Nova Scoatia for a few days and want to climb

Postby bergwanderer » Thu May 19, 2011 8:22 am

Unfortunately I am committed to the wedding all day Sunday and think my only day is Saturday. Trying to fit a lot in a small trip but that is usually my style! Going out to hit the town today and explore and I am looking forward to that!
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Re: In Nova Scoatia for a few days and want to climb

Postby bergwanderer » Wed May 25, 2011 10:50 pm

Back home in sunny Winnipeg again. Got to do some bouldering while I was in Nova Scotia though. One day on a trip to Peggy's Cove I went to LOC and that was what I found. Another day I made it to Chebucto and that was a really great place to climb, hang out and have lunch as the ships roll by. After that, I had time to go to Crystal Cresent Beach and just check it out, not the nude beach though from what I heard after. I still want to come back one day and climb there again in the summer and the winter. Some of the ice climbing looks great.
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